Discuss how meaning is created through mise-en-scene and cinematography in the film Juno (2007)

In the 'Baby birth scene' in Juno (2007), meaning is created through various aspects of mise-en-scene. The setting for this scene is in a private room in a hospital. This not only tells the viewer that Juno has given birth, but it also suggests that her family may be fairly wealthy if they have paid for a private room.

Costume also plays a part in mise-en-scene. Juno is seen to be wearing a hospital gown in this screen which further illustrates that she has given birth. Paulie is wearing his gym clothes which could indicate to the viewer that he has left what he was doing to be with Juno. This could mean that the characters have a very good relationship.

Juno is also wearing little or no makeup, and her hair is wet and natural. This creates meaning that develops the idea that Juno has just given birth because it makes the scene more realistic.

One prop that is used in this scene is a chair that Juno's father is sitting on. Because he is seen at the same height as Juno in the shot, it could be denoted that he sympathises with her and views her as more of an adult, as he is not looking down on her over the hospital bed. Another key prop in this scene is the hospital bed which adds to the idea of the hospital room being the setting. The fact that Juno is still laying down could mean that she is exhausted.

Character expression and movement is also a part of mise-en-scene. Juno is crying which could create meaning that she is overwhelmed and confused. Paulie's expression is also important as it could indicate that he is scared, which is not an emotion that eh shows very much throughout Juno's pregnancy.

Artificial lighting is used in this scene. This highlights the fact that the scene is set inside of a hospital because the lack of natural lighting suggests that they are in a building. Also, the use of artificial lighting highlights the environment is very sterile and clinical, much like Vanessa and Mark's house.

Cinematography also created meaning in this scene. The use of lots of various camera shots shows that there are lots of different perspectives and opinions on this scene and topic. For example, first there is a shot from Juno's perspective, looking at her dad and Paulie. Then you see a conversation from Over Paulie's shoulder and then over her dads shoulder. The scene ends with a shot of Juno and Paulie in her hospital bed together. This means that there are lots of various relationships in this scene, and also lots of levels of intensity. The shots involve the audience and almost 'put them in the room' with the characters.
The camera movement in this scene pans from Paulie down to Juno at the end. this could suggest that Paulie feels responsible for the situation when he gets into bed with Juno and the camera pans to both of them.
In the scene when Juno tells her parents that she is pregnant, mise-en-scene is also used to create meaning. It is set in Juno's house, which could mean that she feels most comfortable when she's in her home. Everything in this setting is very natural, which could also add to the feel of comfort.
Juno is wearing 'normal clothes' in this scene. This could highlight that Juno's pregnancy has and will not affect who she is as a person. Also, if Juno is comfortable in when she is and what she is wearing, it may help her to feel more comfortable to break the news to her dad and step mum.
In this scene, Juno


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