I've been given a DVD - 21 Jump Street

Mise en scene

Setting - This scene is taking place inside a house. The characters are placed in a living room next to some doors.

Hair and makeup - The characters in this scene have the same haircut but are not wearing any makeup.

Costume - Both characters in this scene are wearing a white tuxedo.

Props- Both characters are holding a gun.

Lighting - The characters are in a well-lit room. The lights are household bulbs.

Character Expression/Movement - Both characters have a confused/surprised expression on their face.

Name of film: 21 Jump Street

What are your expectations of the film? Give reasons for your answer.
I expect this film to be very comedic due to the style of the front cover. I also expect this film to have some action in it, as the 2 main characters are holding a gun on the front cover.

Narrative turning points - at what points does the plot change?
The plot changes just after the start o the film when the 2 policemen are sent back to school undercover. It also changes are their roles/stereotypes are reversed. Jonah Hill's character also goes from being disliked to befriended by the drug dealer. This surprised me as a viewer because the stereotype that this character portrays doesn't really match up with the reality of what happens in the film. The plot also changes again when he became better at handling guns when the drug dealer is arrested. This is a significant change because throughout the film this character is seen to be a poor policeman compared to Channing Tatum's character.

Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons
  • The party scene - because it was very comedic, however suspense was also built as there was a lot of friction between characters, based on drugs. This made me as a viewer feel suspenseful as the reaction of the drug dealer was unknown.
  • Car chase scene - because it was a very fast paced scene and there was a lot of exciting action involved. This could make the audience more interested because there could be various possible outcomes to the scene.

Emotional response - what was your emotional response to the film? Did your emotions change? If so where, why?
I found the film very funny due to responses and actions of the characters. During the fast-paces action scenes, I also felt excited and on-edge due to the danger that the 2 main characters put themselves in.

Did you feel empathy/sympathy for any of the characters? Which were your favourites? Why?
I felt sympathy for Channing Tatum's character because he was portrayed to be segregated from the stereotypically 'popular' kids in the school that he was used to being involved with. I also felt sympathetic towards the 2 undercover policemen as they got caught in the middle of a drug gang.


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