
Showing posts from October, 2018

'The Truman Show' essay

Discuss how cinematography is used to create meaning in one scene from The Truman Show. In the 'Do Something!' scene from The Truman Show, various camera shots and angles are used to create meaning through cinematography. The first shot in this scene is a medium shot of Truman's wife, Meryl Burbank, who is leaning against a breakfast bar in the kitchen of their house. The use of this shot creates meaning because it shows that she is has authority, due tot the fact that she is the only character in the shot, and because she is in the centre of the shot. The body language of this character also looks quite relaxed, so meaning that Meryl is at ease and not anxious in this shot could portray that she has control over Truman. The use of a medium shot also shows the character's costume. This creates meaning in this shot because Meryl is wearing a nurses uniform, which shows that she is seen to be someone that can be trusted and is caring, which is ironic because she is real

Discuss how meaning is created through mise-en-scene and cinematography in the film Juno (2007)

In the 'Baby birth scene' in Juno (2007), meaning is created through various aspects of mise-en-scene. The setting for this scene is in a private room in a hospital. This not only tells the viewer that Juno has given birth, but it also suggests that her family may be fairly wealthy if they have paid for a private room. Costume also plays a part in mise-en-scene. Juno is seen to be wearing a hospital gown in this screen which further illustrates that she has given birth. Paulie is wearing his gym clothes which could indicate to the viewer that he has left what he was doing to be with Juno. This could mean that the characters have a very good relationship. Juno is also wearing little or no makeup, and her hair is wet and natural. This creates meaning that develops the idea that Juno has just given birth because it makes the scene more realistic. One prop that is used in this scene is a chair that Juno's father is sitting on. Because he is seen at the same height as J

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Name of film : Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels What are your expectations of the film? Give reasons for your answer. I expect this film to be quite tense, with lots of action and violent scenes. I have based this judgement on the style and image on the front cover. This also prompts me to believe that this film will be based around gangstas and therefore could be about drugs and violence. Narrative turning points - at what points does the plot change? The plot changes constantly because the people who have possession of the antique guns change many times throughout the film. It also changes at the person who has the control over many of the situations dies, which means that loyalties that his employees have no longer lie with him and they because focused on themselves. Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons. One moment in the film that stood out for me is when Emotional response - what was your emotional response to the f

Ghost World

Name of Film : Ghost World What are your expectations of the film? Give reasons for your answer. I expect this film to be a teen film based on the front cover (an image of 2 teenage girls). I also expect this film to be quite quirky and unique, an assumption I have made due to the clothing that the characters are wearing on the front cover. Narrative turning points - at what points doe s the plot change? One change in the plot was when Thora Birch's character built a relationship with Steve Buscemi's character, after mocking him during the start of the film. Another change in the plot was when their relationship became even more close and became much more intimate. Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons. One memorable moment in the film for me is when Thora Birch's character finds the advert in the newspaper about the woman. This prompts her to mock Steve Buscemi's character which sparks th

Film Oening Task - Audition Footage


Film Opning Task - Final Script

Final Script Tessa: When are the others getting here? Billie: I’m not sure but wasn’t your sister meant to meet us here first? Tessa: I’ll ring her. Tessa rings Sophia Tessa: Where are you? Sophia: I’m at the graveyard The others walk over whilst the call is taking place and are whispering in the background Billie: Well you’re not Emma: Are you sure? Sophia: Yes! I’m pretty sure I can see you guys Jessica: well obviously she’s gone to the wrong one Sophia: I know you guys are pranking me, I can see you Tessa: We’re not pranking you, we’ll come and find you Sophia drops her phone, the others panic Tessa: Sophia? We wrote this script to give an idea as to what the scene would entail, however if we needed to change certain parts or add in things, we did so in order for the script to work with all the other aspects of the scene. Such as: setting and characters.  

Film Opening Task - Final Storyboards

Film Opening Task - Initial Setting Ideas and Final Setting Choices

Initial setting Ideas Final Setting Choices

Film Opening Task - Initial Lighting Ideas and Final Lighting Choices

Initial Lighting Ideas Final Lighting Choices We used the following lighting techniques in filming : o Shooting through elements o Phone lighting

Film Opening Task - Initial Hair/Make-up Ideas/Expermentaion and Final Hair/Make-up Choices

Initial hair/Make-up Ideas and Experimentation Final hair/Make-up Choices

Film OpeningTask - Initial Prop Ideas and Final Props List

Initial Prop Ideas We didn’t want to use many props as we wanted the beginning two minutes of the film to be significantly fast paced and we thought using too many props could take away from that. However we did want to uses phones for FaceTime to bring another element into the film. Final Props List

Film Opening Task - Initial Costume Ideas and Final Costume

Initial Costume Ideas As a group we decided we wanted them to wear everyday clothes, however we would mould what they would usually wear to fit their character slightly. We initially decided this because we thought that the occasion and setting wouldn't really math with anything other than 'everyday' clothing. We also wanted them to wear quite modern clothes because it is set in the modern day, so we didn't want the characters to be wearing outdated or any period-style clothing. Final Costume (get from Tayler's blog)