Ghost World

Name of Film: Ghost World

What are your expectations of the film? Give reasons for your answer.
I expect this film to be a teen film based on the front cover (an image of 2 teenage girls). I also expect this film to be quite quirky and unique, an assumption I have made due to the clothing that the characters are wearing on the front cover.

Narrative turning points - at what points does the plot change?
One change in the plot was when Thora Birch's character built a relationship with Steve Buscemi's character, after mocking him during the start of the film. Another change in the plot was when their relationship became even more close and became much more intimate.

Memorable moments - what moments in the film stood out for you? Give reasons.
One memorable moment in the film for me is when Thora Birch's character finds the advert in the newspaper about the woman. This prompts her to mock Steve Buscemi's character which sparks the friendship between them. This is a memorable moment for me because without this, the two characters would have never got so close and become so intimate.

Emotional response - what was your emotional response to the film? Did your emotions change? If so where, why?
I thought that that film was funny during some moments, as the type of humour was fairly dry due to way the characters react to certain things. I did not find this film particularly exciting because it is quite slow paced and it takes a while to build up, as most of the important scenes happen in the second half of the film.

Did you feel empathy/sympathy for any of the characters? Which were your favourites? Why?
I felt sympathy towards Steve Buscemi's character when Thora Birch's character faked her identity and pretended to be the women in the newspaper advert. This is because throughout the film his character is seem to be an outlier in society who is different to everybody else. I also felt sympathy for this character when he described himself as different to everybody else in society. The fact that he is portrayed to recognise this about his character traits and does not do anything about it provoked empathetic feelings for me.
I think that my favourite character was Scarlet Johansson's character because she seemed to be quite innocent and not want to do some of the mean things that Enid wanted to do. This tells the reader that's he is perhaps more sensible that Enid and that she also is more mature. This is quite ironic because the 2 characters have just left high school, so the difference between someone who is still childish and someone who wants tot be treated as an adult are made aware.


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